Closure Update: 4/27/2022

Current Closures:

❌ Nixon Head – CLOSED
❌ Wailing Wall – CLOSED — not listed on Mountain Project but means everything up river/ east of Scary
❌ Scary Canyon – Closed
✅ East Car Body – Cautiously open

Our Car Body raptors continue to reside in their same area, however their nest was unsuccessful. Therefore we can cautiously open East Car Body, but it’s important to respect their space.

This means:

  • Our raptor friends will still be hanging out on the rock walls.
  • Be mindful they are present by not playing music, keeping dogs on leash, and keeping noise (human, animal, etc.), to a minimum as best as you can.
  • If you see a raptor, please respect its space and leave the climb and climb something else.
  • If you see young raptors please contact the BCA.

We had a great event with the The Peregrine Fund at the The Commons Climbing last week! The relationship between climbers and raptors is crucial to keeping the Black Cliffs accessible. As we learned Friday night, if the BCA and volunteers did not do this work, our closures could be the ENTIRE Cliffs during nesting season.

Thank you all for educating your friends, obeying closures, and being a part of this community. And extra thanks to our volunteer raptor biologist and interns for monitoring every week. Climb on!

Closure Update: 3/8/2022

Spring is starting to creep in! So are nests, so we need to give them space and reduce noise.

❌ Nixon Head
❌ Scary Canyon, and anything upriver/east of Scary (sometimes known as Wailing Wall) all the way to Discovery/Lucky Peak.
❌ East Car Body Canyon remains closed.

This is a crucial time for nests, so any noise disruptions can cause disturbances. We cannot control the noise from the highway, but we can control our actions as climbers.

Face is currently open, and with the access trail being so close to the closures in East Car Body, please be cognizant of not disturbing the area (ex: dogs, loud disturbances, music, etc.)

Thank you for your cooperation and please help educate your climbing friends! Climb on!

Closure Update: 1/30/2022

Hello climbers! Nesting season is upon us!

❌ Scary Canyon closed
❌ East Car Body Canyon closed

Face is currently open, and with the access trail being so close to the closures in East Car Body, please be cognizant of signs and not disturbing the area (ex: dogs and music.) BCA volunteers will be out this weekend putting up signs and prepping for closures, so you may see some activity in the area. Giving nests the space they need is one of the single most important things that keeps local climbing accessible. Thank you for your cooperation in this and please help spread the word. Climb on!

Closure Update: 6/5/2021

All climbing areas are open now! The nests in Car Body are still sensitive, so please keep dogs on leash, under control, and be aware of noise levels.

✅ Dead Cow
✅ Wailing Wall
✅ Iron Man Wall
✅ Scary Canyon
✅ East Car Body Canyon

Our volunteer raptor biologist has given the green light to open all. All closure signs have also been taken down. As always, thanks for your support and please help spread the word!

Closure Update: 4/11/2021

✅ Dead Cow** (closure lifted)
❌ Wailing Wall (east of scary; not in the Idaho Underground book older versions of Boise Climbs, or on mtn proj)
❌ Iron Man Wall (east of scary; not in the Idaho Underground, older versions of Boise Climbs, or on mtn proj)
❌ Scary Canyon
❌ East Car Body Canyon

Our volunteer raptor biologist has given the green light to reopen Dead Cow! While this one has been reopened, there are still several other closures still in effect. All these closures include hiking over the top and rapping down. As always, thanks for your support and please help spread the word!

It has also been brought to our attention that both Wailing Wall and Iron Man Wall are in the latest edition of Boise Climbs but not in Idaho Underground, on Mountain Project, or in older versions of Boise Climbs.

Closure Update: 3/11/2021

Wailing Wall and Ironman Wall are added to our list of closures for the season:

  • Wailing Wall (east of Scary; not in Boise Climbs book or on mtn proj)
  • Ironman Wall (east of Scary; not in Boise Climbs book or on mtn proj)
  • Dead Cow
  • Scary Canyon
  • East Car Body Canyon

A reminder that these closures include hiking in and rapping down. Spread the word, tell your friends, and thanks for your support of the raptor closures!

Closure Update 3/9/2021

Scary Canyon – CLOSED
East Carbody Canyon – CLOSED

Expect more closures with this weather, so spread the word and check our social media. These closures include hiking in on the top and rappelling in to the area. Thank you for your diligence!

Closure Update: 2/14/2021

Scary Canyon – CLOSED
East Carbody – CLOSED

Please continue to access Face via the East Car Body trail, avoiding the East Car Body climbing area. Please help us by spreading the word: share on your social media, educate your friends, and respect closures.

Closure Update: 5/6/2020

There are new closures, as well as all others which remain in effect:
CAR BODY -*Open* Closure has been lifted due to nesting failure.
DEAD COW – Closed *New*

Please protect our access by respecting these closures, talking with those who do not, and notifying BCA when you see something. We are monitoring the birds on a weekly basis and will continue to keep you updated. Remember, disturbance of young birds can impact nest success so it’s your compliance that helps gives these birds space they need and keep our crags open.

Please enjoy this great picture of some of our new friends at the Cliffs!

Image: BCA Volunteer Raptor Biologist

Thank you, BCA