The BCA stands with Access Fund and encourages you to climb locally and responsibly. Check out this blog post from Access Fund about COVID-19 resources for climbers.
BCA was out checking on closures this weekend and THANK YOU! Happy to report that climbers obeyed closures, gave raptors their space, and also practiced good social distancing.
Swan Falls Adopt-a-Crag
We had a date set for the Swan Falls cleanup and we hope to reschedule in the future, but for now, it is not happening.
We have heard reports from climbers out there that it has been BUSY! If you do venture to Swan, grab a bag and pick up trash (even if it is not climber trash). Please let us know how many bags you collect and we will keep tally for Idaho Power. If you can, take a pic and tag us! We may not be able to do the spring clean up, but we can still do our part.
Climb safe. Climb locally. Climb responsibly.