Thanks all for following the closures!
Advocating for Southwest Idaho climbing access since 1999
Thanks all for following the closures!
HIGHWAY FACE IS NOW OPEN! Happy to report that the Redtail Hawk fledged two young this year from that area!
The following areas are still closed:
❌ Nixon Head – CLOSED
❌ Face Canyon – CLOSED
We have one closure lifted – SCARY CANYON IS NOW OPEN! The following closures are still in effect:
❌ Steep Wall – CLOSED
❌ The Far Side – CLOSED
❌ Nixon Head – CLOSED
❌ Highway Face – CLOSED
❌ Face Canyon – CLOSED
A reminder about closures:
Weekend weather looks great for the Black Cliffs! Friendly reminder that the following areas are CLOSED for raptor nesting:
❌ Steep Wall
❌ The Far Side
❌ Nixon Head
❌ Scary Canyon
❌ Highway Face
❌ Face Canyon
Please do not hike to the top of the cliffs to set up topropes. This is a critical winter wildlife area. The area is monitored by Fish & Game and hiking up there could result in fines for you and denied access to Carbody Canyon for all.
Enjoy a Fair Dig Irish Red Ale during the month of June and $1 of the proceeds goes towards the Boise Climbers Alliance!
In addition, the Boise Climbers Alliance Board will be hanging out at Boise Brewing from 4 – 10 PM on June 23rd. There will be fun, games, and great conversation! We hope to see you there!
❌ Scary Canyon – CLOSED
❌ Nixon Head – CLOSED
✅ East Car Body – OPEN
✅ Highway Face – OPEN
✅ Face Canyon – OPEN
The good news! For the first time in many years we can say there were no closure violations that we know of. Thank you very much! Thank you for educating your friends and being part of this community.
The not great news: Some nests did fail. However, failures this year were probably due to the weather and not climbers.
If you are using Mountain Project, we have noticed the closures only update when you update the app.
Please be aware that while the areas are open, there are still active raptors in the area and we want to respect their homes by keeping pets under control and noise to a minimum. If you see bird activity, please alert us.
And again, we had an interesting winter so please be aware of the dangers of rock fall during spring thaws. Climb on!
❌ Highway Face – CLOSED
❌ Face Canyon – CLOSED
❌ Scary Canyon – CLOSED
❌ Nixon Head – CLOSED
❌ East Car Body – CLOSED
Immediate closure update! Face Canyon and Highway Face are now closed! Raptor intern Mackey spotted nests today. Thanks to you all for educating your friends and respecting closures. With the weather and winter thaw, there has also been reports of loose rock, so be aware when climbing.
This is a critical winter wildlife area. Do not set up top ropes or access from above. This area is monitored by Fish and Game and could result in fines for you, as well as denied access to Car Body for all.
Meeting notes here.